Sulfate free. Without parabens. Protects the color.

We never had to give up things like sulfates and parabens because all the ingredients we're obsessed with—like avocado and rosemary oil— are naturally free of all of that and also protect color-treated hair.

<p> Avocado</p>


<p> Rosemary</p>


<p> Vitamins</p>


<p> Herbs</p>


<p> Cocoa</p>



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Our history

A Love Letter to Avocado: We have an obsession with avocado. Well, obsession healthy. Antioxidants, nutrients, healthy fats—the benefits are endless. The proof is in the hair of our mothers, and sisters, and in the daily compliments they receive for him. The The truth is that we never had to give up sulfates, aromas or parabens, because avocados, cocoa and rosemary are naturally free of all that. So we keep all our best secrets and good-for-you ingredients for share them with you. Welcome to your new healthy obsession.


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How to repair split ends

Repairing split ends is essential to ensure the health of your hair, stimulate growth, and prevent hair loss and other conditions such as breakage...

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